How to host Ghost CMS on

After years of blogging with Jekyll on GitHub, I decided it was time for a change, so I researched what platforms are out there that suit my blogging needs for markdown support, syntax highlighting, and an online dashboard among others.

I tested a lot of great blogging platforms including Hugo, Gatsby, and Pelican. But the winner for me was Ghost.

As far as hosting is concerned, I chose, a simple, fast, and reliable Ghost CMS hosting.

What is Ghost CMS:

The Ghost blogging platform is a modern, open-source content management system (CMS) specifically designed for blogging and online publishing. It's known for its simplicity, speed, and focus on content creation.

Key features of the Ghost platform include:

  1. Editorial Simplicity: Ghost offers a distraction-free writing experience with a clean and minimalist editor interface, allowing writers to focus solely on their content.
  2. Markdown Support: Ghost utilizes Markdown, a lightweight markup language, for formatting text. This enables users to write content using simple syntax that is both human-readable and easily converted into HTML.
  3. Customization: While maintaining simplicity, Ghost provides extensive customization options for themes and templates, allowing users to create unique and visually appealing blog designs.
  4. Performance: Ghost is optimized for speed and performance, with a lightweight codebase and efficient architecture. This ensures fast page load times and a smooth user experience for both content creators and readers.
  5. Built-in SEO Tools: The platform includes built-in SEO features to help improve search engine visibility and drive organic traffic to your blog.
  6. Membership and Subscription Support: Ghost offers native support for memberships and subscriptions, allowing bloggers to monetize their content by offering premium memberships, subscription-based content, or donations.
  7. Developer-Friendly: Ghost is built on modern web technologies such as Node.js, making it highly extensible and developer-friendly. It provides robust APIs and developer tools for building custom integrations and extending platform functionality.

Overall, Ghost is an excellent choice for bloggers and online publishers who prioritize simplicity, speed, and a focus on content creation. Its user-friendly interface and powerful features make it a popular option for individuals, businesses, and publications looking to establish a strong online presence through blogging.

What is provides hassle-free Ghost hosting without subscriptions tailored specifically for those looking to start a newsletter or publication quickly and effortlessly. Here's a breakdown of its features:

  1. Simple Setup: Magic Pages allow users to create their publications within minutes, indicating a user-friendly setup process.
  2. Fast and Reliable Hosting: The emphasis on speed and reliability suggests that Magic Pages prioritizes performance to ensure a smooth experience for both creators and readers.
  3. Generous Email Limits: Offering plenty of emails per month and an option to purchase additional email credits at a reasonable price makes it suitable for users who anticipate sending out a significant volume of newsletters.
  4. Support for Paid Newsletters: Integration with Ghost CMS supports paid memberships, enabling creators to monetize their newsletters effortlessly.
  5. Deliverability Assurance: Magic Pages assures deliverability, which is crucial for newsletters to reach subscribers' inboxes effectively. The platform handles technical aspects such as subdomain setup or provides guidance for users setting up their custom domains.
  6. Managed Tech: By taking care of server management, security, and performance, Magic Pages allows creators to focus solely on content creation and audience growth, relieving them of technical worries.

Register a Ghost blog with

To register a Ghost blog with is easy as 123, all you have to do is start your 14-day free trial, No credit card is required.

Enter your email address and choose a subdomain for your new blog.

After signing up for your 14-day free trial, you will receive an email with a link to your new Ghost site and everything else you need to get started.

Your brand-new Ghost website is now live!

You can access your Ghost admin interface at To log in, simply create your admin user account.

During the trial period, your website is reachable at After the trial period, you can connect your own domain to your website.

When you log in to your site's admin page for the first time you will be presented with a page where you must add some information, the site title, your full name your email address, and your password. After you add this information you can create your new account and start publishing.

After the creation of your account, you will be presented with the Ghost dashboard.

As you can see the dashboard is minimalist, and beautifully designed where you can easily locate the different options like Drafts, Published posts, and scheduled posts.

Inside the Dashboard, you can find the customer portal from, from there you can read what is new, upgrade to a paid plan, add a custom domain prepare your newsletter campaign, ask for support, and backup your files.

So, Ghost is a great free blogging platform for writers and creators, and Magic Pages is shaking up the Ghost CMS hosting scene in 2024 with its no-subscription, one-time payment hosting service. Offering exclusive and diverse Ghost themes, superb customer support, and automatic updates, it stands out for its simplicity and cost-effectiveness.


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